In October 2012 InGovern, India’s first independent proxy advisory firm, published a Special Report: India Proxy Season 2012 Analysis.
The executive summary of the report begins as follows, “Indian companies are experiencing the emergence of a corporate governance landscape substantially different from a few years ago. SEBI’s regulatory changes such as increasing public float in listed companies and mandatory requirements on institutional investors for disclosure of their voting patterns have facilitated better governance practices. The new Companies Bill also brings increased focus on company disclosures, mandatory requirements for constitution of independent directors, auditor rotations and other provisions for protecting minority shareholder interests such as class action suits. Anecdotal evidence points out that long term shareholder value and sustainability of the business is a responsibility shared by all stakeholders of a company and can be achieved only through a better corporate governance framework adopted by boards of companies.”
To download the report, please visit the publications page of the InGovern internet site.