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Five Questions about SRI – Weekly Expert Interview Series – Launch of third year in April 2013 – March 29, 2013

Five Questions about SRI – Emerging Markets ESG’s weekly expert interview series – will launch its third year next month.  The first interview in the third year of the series will be published on Friday, April 5, 2013. In the pipeline are interviews from:  Arvind Ashta, Professor – Finance, Control and Law, Holder of the […]

“Australia improves low-carbon competitiveness as Asia takes centre stage” – The Climate Institute – March 26, 2013

China leapfrogged from 8th place to 3rd place in the updated Climate Institute/GE Low-Carbon Competitiveness Index, released on March 26, 2013 as part of the Institute’s Global Climate Leadership Review 2013 report. John Connor, CEO, The Climate Institute, explained “It’s clear that the centre of clean energy gravity is shifting to Asia, China in particular. […]