Integrated International Reporting Framework launched at BM&FBOVESPA and in nine other countries – April 16, 2013

On April 16, 2013 the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) launched the consultation draft of the International Integrated Reporting Framework (IIRF) at BM&FBOVESPA in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

According to the press release distributed by BM&FBOVESPA, “The event was opened by BM&FBOVESPA CEO Edemir Pinto, with around 150 people participating. Taking part in the presentations were the four IIRC members in Brazil: University of São Paulo professor Nelson Carvalho; chair of the IBGC Board, Sandra Guerra; deputy CFO and IR Officer at Natura, Roberto Pedote; and PREVI Executive Director of Governance and Holdings, Marco Geovanne da Silva; as well as Vânia Borgerth, from BNDES, which coordinates the Brazilian monitoring committee. The event also included testimonies from representatives of the Brazilian companies that took part in the pilot project: AES BRASIL, BNDES, Natura, Petrobrás and Via Gutenberg Consultoria. During the event, the IIRC members highlighted the importance of more companies taking part in the pilot project.”

The consultation draft of the IIRF framework was simultaneously launched in nine other countries:  Australia, Canada, China, Germany, India, Japan, South Africa, the UK and the US.

The consultation draft of the framework is available on the IIRC internet site.  The consultation period is from April 16 to July 15, 2013.

You may read the full press release on the media room page of the BM&FBOVESPA internet site.