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“Why family businesses could have a head start in sustainability” – Green Futures – January 9, 2014

Anne Simpson, editor, Green Futures magazine, reports on new research about succession issues within Asian family businesses, conducted by Singapore Management University’s (SMU) Business Family Institute (BFI) with a grant from Deloitte Southeast Asia You may read the article on the Green Futures internet site.

“First Global Slavery Index Counts World’s Population Living in Modern Slavery” – Justmeans – January 9, 2014

In a blog entry published on Justmeans on January 9, 2014 Sangeeta Haindl introduces the world’s first Global Slavery Index, created by the Walk Free Foundation. The index “provides a shocking insight into the estimated numbers of people living in modern slavery. The Index ranks 162 countries, reflecting a combined measure of three factors: estimated […]