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“Western Balkans Philanthropy for Green Ideas Winners Announced” – Rockefeller Brothers Fund – July 30, 2014

On July 30, 2014 the Rockefeller Brothers Fund announced that “(t)he fifth annual Forum on the Development of Philanthropy in the Western Balkans: Philanthropy for Green Ideas was held from July 24–27, 2014 in Llogara, Albania.  Philanthropy for Green Ideas is a regional competition that encourages communities to generate business ideas, utilizing local resources and revitalizing […]

Luxury That’s From Africa, and for Africa” – The New York Times – July 30, 2014

In an article published in The New York Times on July 30, 2014 Vanessa Friedman introduces and profiles “Okapi, a leather-goods line that says it is the first Made in Africa luxury brand, hence repositioning the continent as a source of premium manufacturing and promoting employment.” You may read the article on The New York […]