“Can Oxfam Nudge Big Food Companies To Do Right?” National Public Radio – August 30, 2014
In an interview with Chris Jochnick, one of the architects of Oxfam’s Behind the Brands campaign and Oxfam America’s director of private sector development, Allison Aubrey and Dan Charles of National Public Radio (NPR) inquire “how social media is giving activists more power, why big food companies respond to pressure, and whether corporate executives are […]
WWF guide for banks provides plan for sustainable finance – WWF – August 27, 2014
“A new guide released on August 27, 2014 by WWF explains how banks can go beyond reputation and risk management to embrace transformative change. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Integration for Banks: A Guide to Starting Implementation shows how financial institutions acting as lenders, financial advisors and capital raising agents can adopt sustainable practices. ‘This […]