“Mixed ESG Performance for Emerging Markets” – Measuring Country Intangibles – RobecoSAM’s Country Sustainability Ranking – April 2015

In June 2015 RobecoSAM released the April 2015 edition of its country sustainability framework. The framework “evaluates 60 countries on a broad range of Environmental, Social and Governance factors that RobecoSAM considers to be key risk and return drivers relevant for investors.”

According to the report, “(w)ithin the emerging markets, Mexico’s score declined the most, followed by Kazakhstan, UAE and South Korea. BRIC rankings remained low, with Brazil ranked 38th, way above China, India and Russia, all of which are among the bottom 10 performing countries. Jamaica, Indonesia, Romania, Saudi Arabia and Thailand, on the other hand, are among the emerging markets winners, registering small increases in their scores.”

You may download the report from the library – studies page of the RobecoSAM internet site.