TBLI CONFERENCE™ NORDIC 2015 – Copenhagen, Denmark – June 15-16, 2015

160x160-alliance-nordic15TBLI returned to Scandinavia for its second TBLI CONFERENCE NORDIC event, addressing specifically the financial sector in Scandinavia and the UK.

This second TBLI CONFERENCE focused on the NORDIC region was be held in cooperation with Copenhagen Business School.  Participants shared their ideas, challenges and solutions and learned about innovation and investment opportunities. The program addressed topics relevant for investors and finance professionals striving to better align profits with impact – with a view across all asset classes.

It marked the 30th TBLI CONFERENCE held since 1998.

This year’s event in Copenhagen built on the learnings and discussion at TBLI CONFERENCES held in New York, Amsterdam, Zurich, Chicago, Singapore and Oslo over the past year.

TBLI actively continued the debate with the Nordic sustainable finance community!

Emerging Markets ESG was a media partner of TBLI CONFERENCE™ NORDIC 2015.