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“Building roads to sovereign wealth – combining EM and ESG” – Finance Forward – Middle East Global Advisors – July 13, 2015

An article published on July 13, 2015 in Middle East Global Advisor’s Finance Forward analyzes how asset managers can offer to sovereign wealth funds in Muslim majority countries specialized products that combine environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations with Shariah compliance. You may read the article on the Global Middle East Finance internet site.

“Nigerian Stock Exchange Releases First Sustainability Report”– Mondo Visione – July 13, 2015

A press release published on July 13, 2015 on Mondo Visione announced that the Nigerian Stock Exchange has released its first sustainability report. “The report which aligns with the Exchange’s Corporate Social Responsibility framework, covers the four key impact areas it has devoted attention and resources: marketplace, community, workplace and environment/” You may read the press […]