An outlook for key emerging Asian markets –The Economist Intelligence Unit – July 16, 2015

On July 16, 2015 The Economist Intelligence Unit published the report, “An outlook for key emerging Asian markets.” The report “provides a snapshot of market outlooks for some of Asia’s fastest growing and most important economies.”

“Findings from the report include key economic developments such as:

  • During the period between 2015-19, China’s GDP is likely to grow to over US$15trn.
  • Rising income levels means private consumption expenditure in India will rise from US$1.4trn to US$2.4trn in 2018/19.
  • With the largest population in South-east Asia, 253.3m, Indonesia has one of the largest and fastest growing consumer markets in Asia.”

Registered users may download a summary of the report from The Economist Intelligence Unit internet site.