Symbiotics publishes its 9th annual Microfinance Investment Vehicles Survey – September 16, 2015

On September 16, 2015 the Symbiotics Microfinance Investment Vehicles (MIV) Survey was published. It provides “a full overview of market trends as well as a peer group analysis of global microfinance investment vehicles. These specialized intermediaries include microfinance investment funds open to multiple and single investors. MIVs offer financial institutions serving low-income clients in emerging markets access to a broad range of financial products.

This year 110 MIVs were identified of which 84 participated in the survey representing 96% of the total market share which is estimated at 10.4 billion U.S. Dollars of assets under management as of December 2014. The survey confirms that European asset managers continue to represent nearly 70% of the market share with Switzerland in the leader position managing one third of microfinance assets and the Netherlands closely behind. In terms of MIV country allocation, Cambodia leads (8%), followed by India (6.9%) and Azerbaijan (6.5%).”

You can download an abstract and the full survey from the Papers page of the Symbiotics internet site.