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“Ethical investing: Kodak moment for the funds industry” – FTAdviser – November 10, 2017

In a succinct article published on FTAdviser on November 10, 2017 Gary Waite refutes the “premise that restricting the investment universe of active managers of ethical mandates causes them to underperform their unconstrained counterparts. The evidence suggests this is not the case.” The article cites a wealth of evidence about: growth of ethical assets under management (AUM) […]

Certified Training Course – Introduction to Sustainable Finance – Mostadam – Cairo, Egypt – November 5-8, 2017

Following the 2008 financial crisis, the financial industry is brought face to face with its own inconsistencies and shortcomings. The industry is increasingly becoming disharmonious with social and environmental realities. Realizing financial industry gaps, MOSTADAM, in response, was initiated by Arab African International Bank (AAIB) in cooperation with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and Egyptian Corporate Responsibility […]