“BlackRock & Thomson Reuters Partner to Launch ESG Fund” – FTF News – September 25, 2018
On September 25, 2018 FTF News reported that BlackRock and Thomson Reuters have partnered to launch an Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) that will enable investors to invest in ESG-focused companies in developed and emerging markets. The iShares Thomson Reuters Inclusion & Diversity UCITS ETF tracks the Thomson Reuters Global Large/Mid Diversity and Inclusion ex. Controversial […]
“Poland promoted to developed market status by FTSE Russell” – Emerging Europe – September 24, 2018
On September 24, 2018 Emerging Europe reported that “(g)lobal index provider FTSE Russell has reclassified Poland from emerging market to developed market status, effective from September 24. Poland is now classified as one of the 25 most advanced global economies, a list of countries which includes the US, UK, Germany, France, Japan and Australia. Furthermore, Poland is […]