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“Emerging Market Green Debt Sales to Soar Past $100 Billion” – Bloomberg – April 19, 2021

On April 19, 2021 Bloomberg covered a report published by The World Bank and European asset manager Amundi SA that predicts that emerging market green bond issuance “will more than double by 2023 to exceed $100 billion.” “The World Bank’s International Finance Corp. and European asset manager Amundi SA, who together created the world’s largest […]

“UN SSE welcomes Nicaragua Stock Exchange” – SSE Initiative – April 18, 2021

On April 18, 2021, the UN Sustainable Stock Exchanges (SSE) Initiative reported that “the Nicaragua Stock Exchange — Bolsa de Valores de Nicaragua (BVN) — has solidified its commitment to transparency and sustainability by becoming a member of the UN Sustainable Stock Exchanges initiative. The SSE’s newest member joins a network of now 102 stock […]