“State Street launches tool to deliver transparency in ESG investing” – Plan Sponsor – December 7, 2017
On December 7, 2017 Plan Sponsor reported that State Street launched ESGX, “a new analytics tool designed to provide information to help clients bring transparency and standardization to their ESG investing. State Street also announced agreements with new data providers, including Arabesque, to complement its existing agreement with TruValue Labs, announced earlier this year. ESGX […]
“Foundations of ESG Investing. Part 1: How ESG Affects Equity Valuation, Risk and Performance” – MSCI – November 2017
In November 2017 MSCI published a research report entitled, “Foundations of ESG Investing. Part 1: How ESG Affects Equity Valuation, Risk and Performance.” The executive summary reads as follows: “Many studies have focused on the relationship between companies with strong ESG characteristics and corporate financial performance. However, these have often struggled to show that positive […]