“More women making it into senior management roles – but mature economies lagging behind” – Grant Thornton International Business Report (IBR) – March 8, 2013

On International Women’s Day, new research from the Grant Thornton International Business Report (IBR), a survey of 6,600 business leaders in 44 countries, demonstrates that the percentage of women in senior management roles is increasing more in emerging markets than in mature economies.

According to the press release distributed by Grant Thornton, “IBR data shows that globally, 24% of senior management roles are now filled by women. This is up from 21% in 2012 and 20% in 2011. However, the G7 economies come bottom of the league table with just 21% of senior roles occupied by women. This compares to 28% in the BRIC economies, 32% in South East Asia and 40% in the Baltic states.

Top of the table for women in senior management is China, with 51%. GDP growth for 2012 there is expected to be between 7-8%. The top 10 also contains the growth economies of Latvia, Vietnam, Thailand and the Philippines.

The situation is even starker when looking at boardroom positions. In the G7, just 16% of board members are women. This compares to 26% in the BRIC economies and 38% in the Baltic states.”

You may read the press release on the IBR 2013 press releases page, where you may also download the full report.