African Development Bank – “African Development Report 2013 – Towards Green Growth in Africa” – May 28, 2013

“African Development Report 2013 – Towards Green Growth in Africa” was launched at the African Development Bank Annual Meetings on May 27, 2013 in Marrakech, Morocco.

The report analyzes the developmental benefits of mainstreaming green growth, particularly in agriculture, which employs about 60 per cent of Africa’s total population and contributes a third of the continent’s GDP, but also in other sectors, including energy.

According to the report, “greening agricultural practices through agro-forestry and organic farming practices deliver short and long-term development benefits.”  In addition to the positive developmental impact on agriculture, “the access to green technologies can increase productivity and efficiency in various sectors.”

You may read more about the report on the News & Events page of the African Development Bank internet site.

You may download the report here.