“Brazil Stars Index – Taking stock” – LatinFinance – September 25, 2013

In an article on BusinessGreen entitled, “Brazil Stars Index – Taking stock” LatinFinance analyzes the performance of the Brazil Stars Index, run by Management & Excellence (M&E) and LatinFinance.

According to the article, “Quantifying the softer aspects of a business is never easy — but when done right, it can be highly rewarding.

The performance of the M&E LatinFinance Brazil Stars Index bears this out: the index has consistently outperformed almost all of Brazil’s other benchmarks over the past three years. Only the Novo Mercado index has matched it — both have returned 34% over the period, according to data from Management & Excellence (M&E).”

LatinFinance subscribers read the article on the LatinFinance internet site.