Indian companies spent 22% more on corporate social responsibility (CSR) in fiscal year 2016 versus the previous fiscal year, according to data compiled by the ratings agency Crisil and reported by The Times of India on January 30, 2017. Whereas smaller companies spent relatively more in fiscal 2015, in fiscal 2016 more than 50% of large companies complied with the mandate to spend two percent of average net profit of the past three years on CSR, versus 33% of large companies in fiscal 2015.
“There were two reasons for the 22 percentage point jump in adherence by the larger companies: one, they are overcoming the challenge of large-scale interventions, which takes more time and effort. And two, they are using implementing agencies, mainly non-governmental organisations, for execution,” ratings agency Crisil stated.
You may read the article on the Times of India internet site.