Emerging Markets ESG’s updated SRI contact database lists 209 new conferences/events, 75 new institutions, 35 new indices and one new award in first half of 2018 – July 11, 2018

Today, July 11, 2018 Emerging Markets ESG publishes the 26th edition of its Updated Database of Contacts in the Field of Socially Responsible Investment (SRI).  The database – with current information as of June 30, 2018 – lists 53 awards, 2,461 conferences/events, 311 indices and  2,021 organizations, divided among the following 12 categories: Academia (99 institutions); Companies – Listed Companies (500); Exchanges (41): Financial Institutions (411); Governmental Organizations (78); Media (97); Networks (162); Non-Governmental Organizations (286); Private-Public Partnerships (20); Professional and Trade Associations (103); Rating and Research (181); and Standard-Setting Organizations (43).

The most striking feature of the 26th edition of the database is the ongoing, dramatic increase in the number of conferences and events about SRI around the globe.  209 events were added to the database during the first half of 2018.  This is the largest number of events added in a six-month period since the database was launched in 2002.  It continues the trend taking place over the past 18 months:  149 events were added during the second half of 2017 and 199 events were added during the first half of 2017.  The updated database includes a variety of conferences, meetings, symposia and training programs about topical issues – such as climate finance, divestment (including divestment from firearms), palm oil and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – as well as on ESG integration for financial institutions and CSR, ESG and/or sustainability reporting for listed companies.

Of the 2,461 conferences/events listed in the database, 691 took place in the US, 390 in the United Kingdom, 109 in Switzerland, 93 in Germany, 84 in France, 83 in the Netherlands, 76 in Canada, 54 in Australia, 38 in Belgium, 29 in South Africa, 25 in Singapore, 24 in Italy, 23 in China, 21 in Spain, 20 in Sweden, 18 in Austria, 18 in Hong Kong, 18 in India, 18 in United Arab Emirates, 16 in Brazil, 16 in Mexico, 14 in Japan, 14 in Kenya and 12 in Denmark.  The distribution among these countries has remained consistent during the past decade.

The database lists 394 webinars, compared with 351 as of December 31, 2017; 325 as of June 30, 2017; 260 at year end 2016; 208 at year end 2015; 183 at year end 2014; 140 at year end 2013; and 89 webinars at year end 2012.

A second noticeable feature of the 26th edition of the database is its documentation of the continuing launch – over the past two and a half years – of new SRI indices.  35 indices were added during the past six months.  The database now lists 106 global indices, 45 regional indices (covering Africa, Americas, Asia, developed markets, emerging markets, Europe, Eurozone, etc.), country indices, sector indices and specialized indices, including the recently-launched J.P. Morgan emerging markets fixed income ESG index.  The database now contains 311 indices, versus 276 at year end 2017; 256 as of June 30, 2017; 226 at year end 2016; 202 as of June 30, 2016; and 125 at year end 2015.

One country – Vatican City – appears in the database for the first time.  The database now includes entries from 104 countries in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America and South America.

The breadth and depth of the database demonstrates the growing relevance of SRI to mainstream and niche financial institutions – in developed, emerging and frontier markets.

A table of contents appears as the first worksheet and a statistics worksheet appears as the last worksheet in the database.  Each worksheet is sorted alphabetically by institution; each worksheet may also be re-sorted alphabetically by country.  Each new entry is highlighted in yellow.  This enables users to quickly identify new awards, events, indices and institutions.

Bearing in mind the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Emerging Markets ESG informs readers that data from the database has never been sold and will never be sold.  The database presents publicly-available information to the public in an easy-to-use format.  It serves to:  collect time series data about the development of SRI globally; identify SRI products and services, such as indices; identify institutions engaged in SRI; identify SRI ratings, research and standards; and promote a community of SRI practitioners.

The first edition of the database was published by the Partners for Financial Stability (PFS) Program in 2002, which updated it semi-annually through December 2009.  Emerging Markets ESG took over management of the database in 2010 and now updates it semi-annually.

Every effort was made to update contact information in each worksheet. If a reader notes any out-of-date information, please contact Emerging Markets ESG. We will update the entry.

Emerging Markets ESG would appreciate your constructive criticism and feedback regarding the database.

The 27th edition of the updated database will be published in January 2019.

To download the database, please click on the link below:

     Emerging Markets ESG – Updated Database of Contracts in the Field of SRI – June 2018