“Exchange in Focus: Egyptian FRA requires women on boards” – SSE Initiative – September 30, 2019

On September 30, 2019, the UN Sustainable Stock Exchanges (SSE) Initiative reported that “Dr. Mohamed Omran, Chairman of the Financial Regulatory Authority (FRA), has announced that amendments to the listing rules in the Egyptian Exchange have been proposed to ensure women’s representation on the governing board of companies. Dr. Omran issued decrees number (123 and 124) of 2019 that require both listed companies and non-bank financial institutions to have at least one woman on the board by the end of 2020. The decision reflects the FRA approach to further improve the ranking of Egypt in the World Bank’s Doing Business report.

The Egyptian Exchange is one of the founding Partner Exchanges of the SSE initiative. Mohammed Omran, former CEO of the Egyptian Exchange and Chairman of the FRA was the chair of the SSE Securities Regulators Advisory Group (2018).”

You may read more on the SSE website