“Malaysia needs more SRI sukuk, says finance minister at launch of Sustainable and Responsible Investment Roadmap” – Salaam Gateway – November 27, 2019

On November 27, 2019 Salaam Gateway reported that “Malaysia’s government has backed its capital markets regulator’s new strategy to encourage sustainable development through investment with a call for more green sukuk.

The Securities Commission Malaysia on Tuesday (Nov 26) released a ‘roadmap’ to promote sustainable and responsible development (SRI) through the capital markets. Its approach has its roots in sukuk, according to the country’s finance minister.

Speaking at the launch of the SC’s strategy, Lim Guan Eng said the government will encourage more SRI sukuk, which stem from guidelines introduced five years ago to help pay for social and environmentally sustainable initiatives.”

You may read the article on the internet site of Salaam Gateway – the Global Islamic Economy Gateway.