“JSE lists two new global ETFs” – Mail & Guardian – September 11, 2020

In a sponsored story published on September 11, 2020 in the Mail & Guardian, the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) announced that that it listed two global ESG focused Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), the Satrix MSCI EM ESG Enhanced ETF and the Satrix MSCI World ESG Enhanced ETF.

‘’We have always been committed to sustainability — 16 years ago we introduced the first exchange-sponsored sustainability index globally, which was also the first sustainability index in emerging markets. We are also a signatory to the United Nations-backed Principles for Responsible Investment and a founding partner of the Sustainable Stock Exchanges Initiative,’ says Valdene Reddy, Director of Capital Markets at the JSE.

‘Today we are excited to list two global ESG focused ETFs that broaden our investment offerings in a world where environmental, social and governance factors play an integral role in investment decision making. Impact investing has become increasingly topical and for us to provide investors with access to sustainable investment options is a key focus.’”

You may read the story on the Mail & Guardian internet site.