On March 26, 2021 Money Control reported that the “Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has announced key changes in the rules for listing of startups while bringing in more transparency in the disclosure requirements for listed entities with a focus on the all-important ESG—environment, social and governance—parameters. It has also enhanced the delisting process and given retail investors more power in terms of access to information.
SEBI has introduced a concept called ‘Business Responsibility and Sustainability Report’ for the top 1,000 listed companies of the country. Among other things, the report will emphasise on disclosures related to climate and social related issues of the company, which would help the investor community assess the firm’s sustainability-related risks and opportunities.
This is an important move considering the fact that the recent past has seen quite a few Indian mutual fund house launch ESG funds even as such form of sustainable investing has grown exponentially across some of the largest markets. In the capital market regulator’s own words, the new set of requirements will ‘set the stage for taking a leap for better disclosures in the ESG space in India.’”
You can read the article on the Money Control internet site.